September 11 - October 31, 2013
Los Angeles, CA

Rooster Fish Bar
Michael Kirwan:
Not a Good Catholic School Boy

MICHAEL KIRWAN, That Trespassing Bitch!, 2013
Marker on paper, © KirwanArts

Meet the Artist: September 11, 8:30 until at least 10:30 PM.

"Artist, illustrator and sometime photographer, Michael Kirwan has come a long way from his childhood attending Catholic school while growing up in New York City's Washington Heights District. In those days he spent most of his time sketching his own private worlds on paper bags from the local A&P because he couldn't afford art supplies. And, when we say he's 'come a long way,' we don't just mean relocating cross country to Los Angeles with a protracted and influential detour through Miami's South Beach...

"While Michael would be the first to tell you that no one gets rich illustrating porn, we're pretty sure that, given his widely published and highly collectable works, he can now afford his own art supplies. But, the greatest testament to how far he's come is that, these days, no one is going to mistake Michael's work as that of a good Catholic school boy! His sexually explicit homoerotic illustrations would send the most progressive Mother Superior running for her rosary and probably a steel ruler for the artist!

"We, however, do not share the good sister's concerns. Instead, we would side with Michael's own description of what he called his "randy little creations" in 2006 metroG interview. In the interview, the artist points out that it's not his place to judge and takes great pride that the characters in his work are never debased, defamed or derided for being different. Instead, they are depicted as 'horny, happy and human.' We couldn't agree more!"

— The Rooster Fish

"I’m having a 2 month exhibition of four drawings at my favorite bar in Venice. I thought it would be nice/cool/interesting to invite the most fascinating people in California to meet me there on Wednesday night. I’m gonna get to the bar around 8:30 PM and stay for a couple of hours (longer if folks buy me drinks! Hahaha!!!) and I’d like you to join me there to see the artwork, me, each other, and the owner/bartender Gary Mick (outrageously HOT and a nice guy).

"Gary would especially like to talk to artists about booking space for next year. So come if you can. Thanks!"

— Michael Kirwan


Rooster Fish Bar
1302 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, CA 90291 · MAP · 310.392.2123
Rooster Fish Website


Michael Kirwan Website

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